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First feature ring bowl. Looks nice at first but has many pattern flaws

Ed Korsberg

PRO Member
I have finally made a bowl with a southwest design feature ring but I am disappointed in the results. At first glance it looks decent but if you actually look at the feature ring the flaws are glaring. The few people I showed it too at first glance thought it was great. My son took one look and said it was a fail.

I have posted several questions regarding how to properly construct the lamination and resultant generation 1 southwest design pattern. On this attempt (my 4th) I think I had the lamination strips cut with a consistent thickness using a carrier board and a drum sander. However during clue up I transposed two of the species and it looks a bit odd.

Here is the feature ring while in the final stage prior to cutting it into 12 segments.
Title: Imgur

However I decided to continue building the bowl in case other errors occurred that would serve as an experience.
Apparently I have more to learn.

Below is a set of pictures of the bowl at different angles.
Title: Imgur
I can tell you my experience in making featured rings have had a number of rings not coming out the way I wanted. I still have rings that do not come out what I consider well done. Multi lamination generation cuts creates even greater challenges. The best we can do is review each projects and learn from them.

If segment featured rings were easy to construct we all would be Da Vinci's or Michelangelo's from the beginning. We all are still learning.
The other issue I ran into is more of a general wood species problem. The feature ring is composed of 1)poplar, 2)bloodwood, 3)walnut, 4)cherry
But the poplar seems to be stained from the bloodwood or maybe even the walnut. the original laminate strip was clean in the sense of the poplar being unstained. But the actions of turning and sanding apparently impregnates the bloodwood (walnut?) into the light colored poplar.

ps Thank you to the members of this forum who have patiently answered many of my previous questions.
Some of the exotic woods like bloodwood can "bleed" into the other woods. You
The other issue I ran into is more of a general wood species problem. The feature ring is composed of 1)poplar, 2)bloodwood, 3)walnut, 4)cherry
But the poplar seems to be stained from the bloodwood or maybe even the walnut. the original laminate strip was clean in the sense of the poplar being unstained. But the actions of turning and sanding apparently impregnates the bloodwood (walnut?) into the light colored poplar.

ps Thank you to the members of this forum who have patiently answered many of my previous questions.

Hi Ed.
Here is an article on Padauk finishing. Padauk can bleed onto other woods similar to what you experienced with bloodwood.

Title: A fix for color bleeding from padauk