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  • B
    Bernard74 reacted to mfisher's post in the thread video problems with Like Like.
    Try clicking on the "vimeo" , bottom right corner of the tutorial vid. That should take you to the vimeo vid. Hopefully it will play.
  • M
    Mike Selser replied to the thread Segment PRO help.
    After a little more exploration I determined the file open procedure is to go to share, import. When I do that and open the json file I...
  • mfisher
    mfisher replied to the thread Segment PRO help.
    Have your tried starting Segment Pro and once up and running, Go to Share / import. From the pop up window go to where the tom...
  • M
    I just downloaded SegmentPRO and purchased some designs from Tom Lohman’s website. I can’t find anything in SegmentPRO to open a json...
  • mfisher
    mfisher replied to the thread Segments don't fit.
    About the 7:50 mark Tom talks about checking fit.
  • M
    mjardee replied to the thread Segments don't fit.
    Thanks for responding, using Tom Lohman set up, and decimal inch. Will try what you recommend, glue down a couple of segments then...
  • mfisher
    mfisher posted a comment on the media item 20250110_142036.jpg.
    Pretty nice for your first painted segment bowl. Interesting that the purple heart at the bottom does not show on the side profile photo...
  • mfisher
    mfisher replied to the thread Segments don't fit.
    Are you using an index wheel (driskell jig) set up like Tom Lohman uses? How is your options set in WTP? Are you set for imperial...
  • M
    Hello, I'm trying to do a 48-segment bowl again. I'm using the Tom Lohman pattern and trying to skip two and then come back and put them...
  • Martin A
    3-1/2" Tall X 11-1/2"Dia. Purple Heat, Cherry and Walnut with 48 Segments per row.
  • Martin A
    3-1/2" Tall X 11-1/2"Dia. Purple Heat, Cherry and Walnut with 48 Segments per row. Firt solid segment painted bowl I've done. Had some...
  • D
    Dano216 reacted to Michael Earley's media D22023 with Like Like.
    Segmented vessel with Basket Illusion embellishment - Top Segmented vessel with Basket Illusion embellishment - Profile Approx. 10"...
  • mfisher
    mfisher reacted to Lloyd Johnson's post in the thread Spacer Lamination Adjustment? with Like Like.
    There are two ways to skin this cat. The cat being a segment made of two solid pieces of wood glued together to make a single segment...
  • Lloyd Johnson
    There are two ways to skin this cat. The cat being a segment made of two solid pieces of wood glued together to make a single segment...
  • K
    OK - understood! Thanks!