• Are you looking for a coupon code to buy my software? You can get one from lots of 3rd party sites but they won't work. My software never goes on sale and has never been discounted. The only coupon codes that are given is when I give a club presentation and I offer a discount to the attendees. Other than that, everyone pays the same price.

segment pro

  1. 20221003_124849.jpg


    wall thickness 10-12 mm hight 12 inches/ 30 cm, diameter 10.5 inches/ 26 cm.
  2. E

    First feature ring bowl. Looks nice at first but has many pattern flaws

    I have finally made a bowl with a southwest design feature ring but I am disappointed in the results. At first glance it looks decent but if you actually look at the feature ring the flaws are glaring. The few people I showed it too at first glance thought it was great. My son took one look...
  3. M

    Segment pro/ species not included on summary sheet

    I have painted a design using 3 different species, yet only one species is shown on the summary. Can you let me know how I can fix this?
  4. Lloyd Johnson

    01 - Introducing Segment PRO!

    This video will give you a quick overview of the main features of Segment PRO. At the conclusion of the video, you'll find links to other resources of the software. The following links will let learn more about Segment PRO: Woodturner PRO website: Title: Welcome to Woodturner PRO - Segmented...