This project was designed to introduce you to the unlimited design possibilities available by applying your woodworking skills to laminated boards. This project is actually three projects in one. You might choose to stop at a 1st generation board which would be the perfect introduction to working with laminations. Making a 2nd or 3rd generation cutting board is a great way to learn new techniques and improve your skill.
This project was sponsored by INCRA Precision Tools
This project was designed to introduce you to the unlimited design possibilities available by applying your woodworking skills to laminated boards. We could have started with a simple chevron pattern. We could have even gone one step further to a 2nd generation design. But why not go all the way—a 3rd generation board, cut into radial segments to make a Sweetheart Clock. You’ll find that it is far easier than you’d expect. With this project, you’ll challenge yourself, learn new skills and you’ll make a treasured keepsake for you or a friend.
This project was sponsored by INCRA Precision Tools