• I will be unable to do any shipping of hardware products including Stomper Products and Hunter Products between February 16th and March 20th. Any orders placed during that time will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Flash drives will continue to be mailed to US addresses only. I apologize for any inconvenience this will cause.

Need Help

lester gillett

PRO Member
Is there any open segmented turners close to Independence Mo that would let me
come over and help me with making my first open bowl? I am not sure if I have the segments in the right place and some don't extend out from the first ones.

Will i don't thank i like open segmented turning. I had glued up the first ring to the base and seems like
every thing was going ok. Now glued the second ring to the first and let dry. Then i was going to glue the
next one on but seems like some of the pieces on the second ring where not as thick as some. So i put the
base and rings on the lathe to sand down. Will the second ring came flying off and some didn't so it messed
up the first rings on the base. Guess i should have sanded the first ones too. This is why i would like to
find some one to help me, ether at there shop or my shop. I also didn't line up the second ring to the first
so it didn't look like it should. Help me please.

Lester, suggestion.
There is a section on the forum called "Follow Along Project".

Glenn McCarron, Title: Glenn McCarron
and myself have several open segment projects, we documented there.

There should be lots of tips you can pickup there. There was lots of questions and answers during the builds and both Glenn and I learned a lot doing them. We posted these for other to see what problems we would run into and how to solve them. There's even a point where Glen caught where I had messed up my pattern, and then I showed how I managed to cut out a row, glue a new one on and the glue the rows I had cut off and then continue the project.

It might be good reading for you.

And yes I suggest sanding every row before gluing on the next.
Lester, suggestion.
There is a section on the forum called "Follow Along Project".

Glenn McCarron, Title: Glenn McCarron
and myself have several open segment projects, we documented there.

There should be lots of tips you can pickup there. There was lots of questions and answers during the builds and both Glenn and I learned a lot doing them. We posted these for other to see what problems we would run into and how to solve them. There's even a point where Glen caught where I had messed up my pattern, and then I showed how I managed to cut out a row, glue a new one on and the glue the rows I had cut off and then continue the project.

It might be good reading for you.

And yes I suggest sanding every row before gluing on the next.

Here is a tip about sanding layers of open segments. I always use a circular board with sandpaper attached to sand. The disc is larger than the layer being sanded. this method means that there are no edges for segments to catch on. All that are higher are being sanded at the same time until all at the same level are sanded smooth. a narrower board across the ring means there are two possibilities for segments to catch and become dislodged,
would a 12 or 14" disc mounted on the power head work ok ? That would let you hold the
segments to the sand disc.

Lester I would keep your open segment piece in the head stock and use a flat board with sandpaper glued on to it to flatten the row. You want to ensure that all segments are the same height and very flat. I use a steel ruler to view the surface from various angles. If you were to hold your piece and put it against a sanding disc you would not be able to hold it PERFECTLY SQUARE resulting in a not so flat surface. Most times it take but a few seconds to flatten the row this way. If your wood is all milled at once each row you add will have minimul sanding to do but I would do it regardless.
I am at a stand still till i get my new lathe running. I bought a 16/42 Grizzly lathe.
The down side is that its a 1 1/4/8 spindle. Also the tool rest post is 25mm and i
have tool rest that are 1" post. So i have the banjo at a machine shop to open up
the post size. I need a thread adapter to use my 1/8 face plates. I have several so
would like to use them and not buy new ones.
20170920_105757.jpg 20170920_110006.jpg Will I have my lather all fixed and have fixed a bowl that I started some time ago. I bought a
spindle thread adapter and it came Saturday. I found a machine shop to open the banjo to 1"
so my tool rest will fit. Now I can work on that open segmented bow I started two weeks ago.
will try to post some photos of my lathe and how I hold the stomper down.
I have run into a problem with the tornado bowl. I have four rings glued up. Now there is 3 walnut segments
that go up to the right as I see in the view. But there are 2 rows that the 3 row walnut doesn't go to the
right. row one is ok but row 2 the walnut is to the left not to the right. I checked the ring view to see if I
didn't line up the segments right but they where in the right order. What did I do to get two rows off line ?
A bit hard to see the complete rings but in the fourth image it appears to have 3 white segments in the top first row and 2 in the rest, also in first photo Sept 25 it shows the same 3 white. You need to check that you are laying out 2 white 1walnut all the way around not.
Lester from what I see with a 16 segment plate you should have put 3 white in between each dark segment to make the rows even. To me (it's hard to count from the pictures) but it looks like you have 5 dark per ring. With the odd number it will never be right.
Alternately you could just alternate light, dark, light , dark all the way around and you would still be very happy with the results.

Keep trying as once you pull it together you will want to do more.
Thanks Glenn, going by the ring views that i printed out it sure did look like i
put the right dark to light segments right. I think i will just do as you say dark
to light and make sure it looks OK. Not sure if Lloyd has any classes that i could
take close to me.

Will I have it turned and it didn't turn out to bad. I am a little close on a few rings but it held up.
Here are a few photos of what it looks like.
IMG_2903.JPG IMG_2903.JPG IMG_2902.JPG