• Are you looking for a coupon code to buy my software? You can get one from lots of 3rd party sites but they won't work. My software never goes on sale and has never been discounted. The only coupon codes that are given is when I give a club presentation and I offer a discount to the attendees. Other than that, everyone pays the same price.
Bob Beaupre
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  • Hi Bob.
    Things are still shut down in SCW. The Rec Center is staring to ask clubs how they would reopen if given permission to do so. The Rec Center has said that the reopening would start with the outside activities. We have avoided the virus so far. Feb. sound good to meet.
    hi Bob , Just joined this site/forum. How do I post a general question to the group? I only see a posting block on a specific persons site.
    Hi Bob, I recently purchased Segmentation Pro, Woodturning pro and Lamentation Pro. I have tried to make sense out of them but since I have no experience using anything like this I having trouble getting it together. I have watched some tutorials but they all seem geared to people who have some experience.
    Thank you,
    Doug Wininger
    Hello Bob. Where can I buy the drawing for you segment setup board?
    Bob, I have a piece designed; want to print the "paint" page to use as my pattern next to my glue up jig. I think I want to build this piece in two pieces (10K+ pcs). I do not see a readily available print option or a way to print it in halves (not a big deal, I have scissors, lol)! I have also tried to send it to my work computer but am having issues capturing it there on that program. Deleted my niceties, 420 max!
    Bob Beaupre
    Bob Beaupre
    You will need to do a screen shot, bring it up in paint or similar program and then print it
    hi bob, just bought segment pro yesterday. how do I get the other programs that goes with it?
    Bob Beaupre
    Bob Beaupre
    OK that gets you everything!
    If you have not yet downloaded all the programs go to the Home page then to the Download page and down load and install the four programs under the 3.x installers. You should have been given two different authorization codes, one for Segment PRO and the other will work with Woodturner PRO and Lamination PRO
    Thank you Bob. Downloaded with no problem. Well maybe one, I got to figure out how to use them. With the forum and videos shouldn't be to hard. Thanks again.
    Bob Beaupre
    Bob Beaupre
    Any questions just ask
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