Don't know what happened with mu transmission, but I lost most of it including the pictures. I apologize for the abrupt shut-off
First of all, the lion is beautiful. It must have taken quite a bit of time to compose the Intarsia (new word for me). Don't think that I have that kind of creativity. Keep it going.
Using the syringe was an accident and the timing could have been better. Was having dental work about the time that using the pipe cleaning strings was the recommended cure. Thought that cleaning method was messy and did not always do the job. Wasn't sure that Elmer's glue would flow thru the tiny opening, but found it did, nicely and controllable. This pic shows the brand name and is used by many dentists.

It's a throw-away item for them. This view shows the amount of glue that I use on every seg.

In this case I only wanted one open seg. in the middle of feature ring. I centered the open slot with just a little rubbing and put the whole unit into my home made press. So far I have had no problem with this approach to gluing. It works just as well with multable open rings together. In fact, it's easier. Here's the bowl on the lathe.

Oh, I almost forgot, I keep a hand towel in the center of the plate to slide the tip of syringe across to clean it before starting the next seg.
Chuck, I hope the procedure works for you and I want to thank you again for your help. Still have some problems moving a pic from a folder within another folder but i'll tell you about that another time
Hope your enjoying the Holiday.