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video problems

Gary Beasley

PRO Member
Im logging in on my desktop computer where I have all the programs loaded and was trying to access the video tutorials but I get a player error message. Is this on my end or the servers? Im running Win 7 and IE 11.
I have the programs on both a windows 7 and windows 10 and can view the videos. Maybe try a different player or open the page in the google app.
Try clicking on the "vimeo" , bottom right corner of the tutorial vid. That should take you to the vimeo vid. Hopefully it will play.

All my videos are as generic as they could be. They are not targeted for any version of Windows. I’m guessing that if you reboot your computer, they will play just fine. I haven’t touched any of the tutorials in many months and there have been no reports of problems.

I just downloaded Firefox and made it my browser, works just fine. I think the biggest problem is Microsoft quit supporting IE and its just falling apart.
I just downloaded Firefox and made it my browser, works just fine. I think the biggest problem is Microsoft quit supporting IE and its just falling apart.

Microsoft new browser is Edge. You may be right that IE is not really supported much anymore. I have not had any problems viewing the vids with Edge.
Not heard much about Edge. Is it compatible with Win 7?
As far as I know you cannot run Edge on windows 7. Its a windows 10 thing.
I personally have windows 10 when we got new computers. imo, 10 is a lot like 7. Some things are better, some things are not. I have not had any real issues with using edge. I do use google chrome from time to time.

The one frustration I have had with windows 10 is in the auto updates Microsoft sends out. Once the update would load then within an hour it would try to download again. There is a way to turn off the update service which solved the problem till MS came out with a fix. The last update didn't download well. Had to try again. It took over four hours to install. Some featured update which most of the stuff we won't use.