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Jan Conradie


It consists of 12 x 18-segment rings (Beech) glued together and then turned into a sphere. It is then parted and a thin ring (3 mm) glued between the two halves of the sphere. This process is repeated 4 times and the result is what you see. It has a diameter of about 130 mm (5.1 inch) and contains 290 separate pieces of wood.
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excellent job well done,i have a question, when splitting the sphere how did you control th point when you broke through, or did you finish the cut with the lathe off using a hand saw
Another great project, Jan. You certainly are not shy about trying new things and your results are always excellent.
When splitting the sphere 'you drive by sound'. Splitting the sphere while it is rotating in the lathe could be disastrous so you stop when it sounds like you are almost thru the wall of the sphere. You then saw thru with something thin like a hacksaw and then sand the two halves by hand on say 100 grit paper tacked onto a flat board. The previously completed ring is then glued in place followed by smoothing the sphere and doing the second etc. rings in succession.
When splitting the sphere 'you drive by sound'. Splitting the sphere while it is rotating in the lathe could be disastrous so you stop when it sounds like you are almost thru the wall of the sphere. You then saw thru with something thin like a hacksaw and then sand the two halves by hand on say 100 grit paper tacked onto a flat board. The previously completed ring is then glued in place followed by smoothing the sphere and doing the second etc. rings in succession.

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