• Are you looking for a coupon code to buy my software? You can get one from lots of 3rd party sites but they won't work. My software never goes on sale and has never been discounted. The only coupon codes that are given is when I give a club presentation and I offer a discount to the attendees. Other than that, everyone pays the same price.
Jeff Miller
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  • what is the dia. of the bowl you use for your picture? yes I'm new to this forum. thanks in advance Brian
    Jeff Miller
    Jeff Miller
    I think it was about 12 inches. I no longer have that piece in my possession.
    I don't know what the answer is. I already deleted the printer (three times) and Windows finds it OK and it prints from the other programs- both Win and non-Win programs. I might try a different printer, but I'm busy getting presents ready (as is everyone). If I get it figured out, I'll drop you a line. Thanks.

    I'm afraid there's something going on with your computer that is not allowing us to print. I say this because this was working and now doesn't with no changes to the software. Also, as I said, this is happening from two different pieces of software that have nothing in common. It really sounds like a network issue. We use the Windows Print System that just lets Windows take care of the entire process. Other software that can print to the printer might have a more direct method of printing and so they bypass the operating system altogether.

    I suspect that you can delete the printer altogether and have it re-discovered and Windows will probably be able to find that printer again.

    That's really puzzling as those two programs are written in different languages which have nothing in common from a printing standpoint.

    There is one thing I would try in Woodturner PRO. Go File > Options and there is a slider bar that is probably set in the middle. Slide it to the left and print again. This creates a simpler print stream and almost always fixes print issues that have to do with printer memory that may not be sufficient.

    Let's start there as I currently have no suggestions for Lamination PRO. We don't know anything about whats downstream as far as printing goes. We simply open the Microsoft Print Spool system and give it a rastered print image and we're done.

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