• Are you looking for a coupon code to buy my software? You can get one from lots of 3rd party sites but they won't work. My software never goes on sale and has never been discounted. The only coupon codes that are given is when I give a club presentation and I offer a discount to the attendees. Other than that, everyone pays the same price.

New member from Sweden



44 years old.

Been turning of and on for the last 15 years.

Replaced my old lathe with a better one this year, still a custom made one.

Started to turn segmented this year. Worked pretty well so far.

And this is what I look like :)2015-08-22 14.22.58.jpg
Is it me getting tired here (00:45) or cant I just find the program for calculations?
The three programs, 3D Design Pro (for designing wall profiles), Woodturner PRO ( for performing all segmentation, and Lamination PRO (for feature rings using multi-generation laminations) are available by clicking the Downloads link on the main menu. First, though, go to the Software Tutorials category of the forum and watch the tutorials and you will see hoe to use the software.

Thanks, a little bit earlier here now, 23,50 :)

will have to get paypal so i cn use it mor then the 30 days trial.
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