• Are you looking for a coupon code to buy my software? You can get one from lots of 3rd party sites but they won't work. My software never goes on sale and has never been discounted. The only coupon codes that are given is when I give a club presentation and I offer a discount to the attendees. Other than that, everyone pays the same price.

couple of questions


PRO Member
Good morning all
Where do most of you folks get your wood from I would like to compare prices?
Does any members live anywhere close to me; I live in S GA about 70 miles N of Jacksonville FL?

By the way Loyd I saw that you played banjo; about 30 yrs ago I got somewhat decent on a fiddle.

Speaking of fiddlers, I'm currently at the Wintergrass Bluegrass Festival at Bellevue and got to talk to Byron Berline after his concert with the group California. I'm sure you know, but others that read this may not know that it is perhaps the finest fiddler of all time and was recently given a lifetime achievement award and inducted into the Fiddler Hall of Fame.

California was simply amazing and all the other acts we saw were great as well. I spent a lot of time with a banjo maker who gave me a lot of tips on making a banjo body from segmented rings and I'm anxious to give that a try.

I'm afraid I can't help you with a wood source in your neck of the woods. Here in Portland, Oregon, my candy store is Gilmer Wood Products which is one of the largest importers of exotic woods and he has three very large warehouses stacked floor-to-ceiling of burls, slabs and even tree trunks. They do sell online, but once you add shipping, it may not be competitive. Here is a link to their site:
Also Loyd if you're ever in our area, a friend of mine owns Twinn Oaks Bluegrass Park; I actually helped him build a lot of it.
I'll see if I can schedule my next trip to Georgia around a Twinn Oaks Bluegrass event and look forward to taking you up on your offer.