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Latest segmented vessel


Frank Smith

A segmented vessel I just finished. Maple and Bloodwood. Appox. 11" tall x 5" to 6" wide (I forgot to measure it).
246 pieces.

Thanks mfisher! There was something about this form that I didn't like but I couldn't put my finger on it. I knew I didn't get the feature ring placed like I wanted but I thought it was due to the way I turned it. I posted this on a woodworking group on Facebook and someone mentioned I didn't follow the 2/3rds rule. I didn't know there was a 2/3rds rule ( I guess I've been doing it by sheer luck in my previous segmented turnings) but that was exactly what made it look funky to me. I should have put four maple rings below the feature ring and three above it. I'm just getting into segmented turning seriously so it's good that I learned this.
Thanks mfisher! There was something about this form that I didn't like but I couldn't put my finger on it. I knew I didn't get the feature ring placed like I wanted but I thought it was due to the way I turned it. I posted this on a woodworking group on Facebook and someone mentioned I didn't follow the 2/3rds rule. I didn't know there was a 2/3rds rule ( I guess I've been doing it by sheer luck in my previous segmented turnings) but that was exactly what made it look funky to me. I should have put four maple rings below the feature ring and three above it. I'm just getting into segmented turning seriously so it's good that I learned this.

The person talking about the 2/3 rule is most likely referring to the golden ratio.

In WTP you can bring up the golden ratio from the view menu or phi button.
In SP it is built in in the Profile view.

There is a lot of debate on if one should follow the golden ratio or not. For me, if the person likes what they have done, it doesn't matter.
Yes I'm sure that's what they were referring to. I'm still new to segmented turning (this is the third attempt for me) so I'm still learning some things.
We all are still learning. I pick up new tips , etc. from here and at the shop.
Ain't that the truth! I've been woodworking for 30 years or more and still learn new things on most every project.