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Staved Flask
Jan Conradie

Staved Flask

The flask is 270 mm high and 122 mm wide. It consists of a top and bottom section made of 20 staves of African White Pear separated by 2 mm strips of Imbuia. The mid section consists of African Rose Wood, Beech and Imbuia. The bottom and top ring is made of solid African Rosewood.
Great choice of woods with excellent design and construction. I like the balance of the foot and top without an attempt to make the foot too small. It all works well. This also has me wondering how to go about making something like this with the feature ring dividers lining up with the body dividers. I don't know if this would involve changing the number of segments or the size of the feature ring. The only time I tried to match a top and bottom staved pieces the dividers started off lined up and then gradually shifted until they were off by about two thicknesses. Good job and thanks for posting.
The flask consists of 20 staves (top and bottom) and the mid-section has 8 segments. To get the vertical spacers to coincide the number of staves and segments has to be divisible by 2, yielding two halves of 180 degrees. In this flask that will only yield two possible perfectly lined up vertical spacers. There is one such lined up spacer visible on the far left hand side of the photo but the one on the opposite side is slightly out of line. This was the result of not enough care taken when gluing together the sections. Hope that helps.
looks great to me, like your feature ring and choice of timbers, its a very striking vase well done
The explanation above regarding the concurrence of vertical spacers is only partially correct. In fact the number of spacers between staves (20 top and bottom) and segments (8) is divisible by both 2 and 4 therefore potentially yielding 4 quarters of 90 degrees each. There should therefore be 4 positions where spacers can possibly line up perfectly if sufficient care is taken during the construction and gluing of the sections of the flask.

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Segmented Turnings
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Jan Conradie
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