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Never a dull moment


PRO Member
After producing one of the tornado globes and liking the result, I thought I would do a tornado bowl. Designed to be an open segment bowl it didn't turn out that way. The original plan called for 9 at 7/16" thick with 18 segs per row and an 18 segment flat segmented ring on top. Of course it had a disk for the bottom row. All wood dressed as per the cutting summary and I was good to go. I did have to make a new jig for my miter saw to cut the 10 degree segments for the top row. After making the jig I figured I might as well cut the 10 deg. segments for the top row since it was set up on the miter saw anyhow. Of course all the rows down from that would get cut to the 8 degree requirement. NOT! I was so caught up in the process I forgot to swap out the jig and cut all remaining strips with 10 degrees as well. WHAT! you say. Well I said that and a couple more words with it. Oh well, back to the drawing board (WTP) and redesigned a bit adding 2 more rows below what was the original row 2 and added 2 more rows for the top. I added the extra rows just to change the overall form of the bowl because the shape was nothing like it would have been if it were open segment. (Golden Ratio was out to lunch) The bottom line was another rescue. Note to self - Swap jigs when I'm required to.
If we can't laugh at our mistakes learn from them and move on, we might as well give it up.

One of the best things about open segments is that the angle isn't as critical since there is open space between segments. I doubt that most people would notice a 2 degree difference unless the gap was very narrow. I usually leave a 50% gap, that hides nearly everything. As long as the angles and gaps are consistent, and the walls are not extremely thick, it should look just fine.
Hey Jeff
Agreed, 8 or 10 not a significant change but I figured it was going to be an exercise in futility for me to try and keep consistent gaps since I couldn't use my 8 deg. seg-easy plate. Maybe just lazy. Have a good one!