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A second generation lamination done as a feature ring. Ash, purpleheart, and black dyed veneer. 4 7/8" d x 7 3/8" tall.
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Reactions: Rod Brumlow
WOW! That is simply stunning, Bob. Using ash in your feature ring was brilliant. The ash 'windows' each have a different picture flanked by a solid purpleheart element. The ash then continues to add interest in the other portions of the vase.
This is certainly one of the best examples of using the grain of the wood as an integral element of the design that I have ever seen. It is clear that you used the grain match process as opposed to the economy process and did that ever pay off - big time.
To top it off, your photo is excellent.
This is simply great work, Bob, and if you don't mind, I'll be showing pictures of your vase as an example of how segmenting should be done.
Lloyd, I certainly thank you for your very kind comments. You give me too much credit though. Your software products helped a great deal. By all means, feel free to share the photo.
I love it, as Lloyd already mentioned the grain is just beautiful and I really like the purple heart veneer rings, that just really ties it all together. Great form
That is just beautiful. You nailed everything---the color combination, the use of wood grain, the shape, and the multigenerational lamination feature ring. Really nice work.
Great choice of colors and outstanding use of grain patterns.

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Multi-Generation Laminatons
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Bob Way
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