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Have a question about Lamination Pro


PRO Member
After I make a pattern in Lamination Pro I transfer it to Woodturner Pro. It asks if I want to add instructions, so I click yes. All that works fine. OK, now in Woodturner Pro when I click on the Lamination instructions it gives me the thickness of the boards but no info on angle, width of cut, also the overall length of the project. Am I doing something wrong?

THX Chuck
Hi Chuck,
I just transferred a design from Lam PRO to WTP and when I clicked on the Lamination Instructions that were put in the Properties Window, I got the following:
Lamination PRO
Strip 1: 1" Walnut.jpg
Strip 2: 1/8" Holly.jpg
Strip 3: 1/4" Blackwood.jpg
Strip 4: 1/8" Holly.jpg
Strip 5: 1" Purpleheart.jpg

To make the 1st Generation:
Cut the laminated board into 1/2" strips at 35 degrees.
Flip the left-hand strips top-to-bottom.

To make the 2nd Generation:
Cut the 2nd generation board at 20 degrees. Cut through the centers of
the strips with declining patterns.
Flip the left-hand strips left-to-right.

Width of repeating units: 1.64

I that not what you get? And if not, what version of Woodturner PRO and Lamination PRO are you running? If you're using Lam PRO v3, it is very possible that this was a bug that I have already fixed.
When you save your Woodturner PRO file, this information will be saved with in that file.
I thought the last ver. of lamination pro gave you the length of boards you need to have. Or is that just something to have to multiply, number of segments times the Width of repeating units?

thx chuck

Hi Chuck,
I just transferred a design from Lam PRO to WTP and when I clicked on the Lamination Instructions that were put in the Properties Window, I got the following:
Lamination PRO
Strip 1: 1" Walnut.jpg
Strip 2: 1/8" Holly.jpg
Strip 3: 1/4" Blackwood.jpg
Strip 4: 1/8" Holly.jpg
Strip 5: 1" Purpleheart.jpg

To make the 1st Generation:
Cut the laminated board into 1/2" strips at 35 degrees.
Flip the left-hand strips top-to-bottom.

To make the 2nd Generation:
Cut the 2nd generation board at 20 degrees. Cut through the centers of
the strips with declining patterns.
Flip the left-hand strips left-to-right.

Width of repeating units: 1.64

I that not what you get? And if not, what version of Woodturner PRO and Lamination PRO are you running? If you're using Lam PRO v3, it is very possible that this was a bug that I have already fixed.
When you save your Woodturner PRO file, this information will be saved with in that file.
You're right - the prior version did have some lineal length calculations. I will add these back, but be aware that they are estimates only, but I have found them to be fairly reliable. I'm using the same math that Rannefeld used in his book. It is accurate for a 1st generation board, but becomes more of a guideline than a rule for later generations - kinda like speed limits in Montana. :->
Montana, LOL!! Even if it's an estimate I find it useful thanks:)

You're right - the prior version did have some lineal length calculations. I will add these back, but be aware that they are estimates only, but I have found them to be fairly reliable. I'm using the same math that Rannefeld used in his book. It is accurate for a 1st generation board, but becomes more of a guideline than a rule for later generations - kinda like speed limits in Montana. :->
It has now been added and nobody was injured in the process. I'm getting better at programming every day. :->
Now you just have to wait for the upgrade.
Not much longer though - still some work to be done on Woodturner PRO.
Hopefully, next week.