Hi Chuck,
I just transferred a design from Lam PRO to WTP and when I clicked on the Lamination Instructions that were put in the Properties Window, I got the following:
Lamination PRO
Strip 1: 1" Walnut.jpg
Strip 2: 1/8" Holly.jpg
Strip 3: 1/4" Blackwood.jpg
Strip 4: 1/8" Holly.jpg
Strip 5: 1" Purpleheart.jpg
To make the 1st Generation:
Cut the laminated board into 1/2" strips at 35 degrees.
Flip the left-hand strips top-to-bottom.
To make the 2nd Generation:
Cut the 2nd generation board at 20 degrees. Cut through the centers of
the strips with declining patterns.
Flip the left-hand strips left-to-right.
Width of repeating units: 1.64
I that not what you get? And if not, what version of Woodturner PRO and Lamination PRO are you running? If you're using Lam PRO v3, it is very possible that this was a bug that I have already fixed.
When you save your Woodturner PRO file, this information will be saved with in that file.