• I will be unable to do any shipping of hardware products including Stomper Products and Hunter Products between February 16th and March 20th. Any orders placed during that time will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Flash drives will continue to be mailed to US addresses only. I apologize for any inconvenience this will cause.

Software sequence question.


PRO Member
Hello, after learning Segment Pro (but not yet having the time to print a summary and use it) I have some questions about the interrelation between Segment Pro, Woodturner PRO, and Lamination Pro. I haven't learned WTP or LP pro yet, not enough time so far.

How do they relate to each other?

For a typical project what should I use first?

Is there a sequence someone uses and if so what order?

Thanks for any help, I really appreciate it.

I'm currently working furniture and toys but have been buying stuff from Lloyd in anticipation for the time I'll be making for segmented bowls, open and closed. And Lloyd, I have the Stomper mounted in my workbench and it works beautifully with the Wadsworth (sp?) device.

Best regards, Paul

Oh, PS, I wish Lloyd had made a video of him actually turning the Christmas ornament, it would be cool to see that.
WTP is Lloyd's first segment vessel planning software.
-There is no interrelationship with SP.
- WTP gives the designer full control of each ring.
- 3DDesign (free program from Lloyd) is used to design profiles and can be imported directly to WTP. Use 3DDesign to create the vessel profile, import into WTP.

SP is Lloyd's latest segment vessel planning software
- There is no interrelationship with WTP or 3DDesign
- SP automates many of the processes of design that WTP does not automate. By doing so the designer does not have full control of each ring.

LP is a program for designing a laminated featured ring.
- LP works with both WTP and SP.
- The pattern created by LP can be imported into WTP or SP as a wood species. This allows the designer to see how the laminate will look in a ring.
For a typical project use either WTP or SP first. Design your vessel first.
- You need the segment edge length for the ring (featured) in your project. You need to set your Repeating Unit in LP as close as possible to the SEL.
- You need the featured ring (thickness/height) information to set the "Export region" in LP.

LP is just a tool to design a pattern from a laminated board. Many vessels have been designed and built without using LP.

1. In designing a vessel use either WTP or SP
2. LP is a tool for creating laminated board designs. It can be used to design a featured ring pattern.

I use both WTP and SP. Both have their advantages. SP has a great "paint" feature for patterns. WTP gives you full control of each ring.

There have been a few times where I have designed a vessel in SP. Using data from the summary and ring sheets , I will recreate the vessel in WTP. This allows me to make adjustments to individual rings. Then I use the cut summary list from WTP to make the vessel. This is a bit extreme and not for many users.
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WTP is Lloyd's first segment vessel planning software.
-There is no interrelationship with SP.
- WTP gives the designer full control of each ring.
- 3DDesign (free program from Lloyd) is used to design profiles and can be imported directly to WTP. Use 3DDesign to create the vessel profile, import into WTP.

SP is Lloyd's latest segment vessel planning software
- There is no interrelationship with WTP or 3DDesign
- SP automates many of the processes of design that WTP does not automate. By doing so the designer does not have full control of each ring.

LP is a program for designing a laminated featured ring.
- LP works with both WTP and SP.
- The pattern created by LP can be imported into WTP or SP as a wood species. This allows the designer to see how the laminate will look in a ring.
For a typical project use either WTP or SP first. Design your vessel first.
- You need the segment edge length for the ring (featured) in your project. You need to set your Repeating Unit in LP as close as possible to the SEL.
- You need the featured ring (thickness/height) information to set the "Export region" in LP.

LP is just a tool to design a pattern from a laminated board. Many vessels have been designed and built without using LP.

1. In designing a vessel use either WTP or SP
2. LP is a tool for creating laminated board designs. It can be used to design a featured ring pattern.

I use both WTP and SP. Both have their advantages. SP has a great "paint" feature for patterns. WTP gives you full control of each ring.

There have been a few times where I have designed a vessel in SP. Using data from the summary and ring sheets , I will recreate the vessel in WTP. This allows me to make adjustments to individual rings. Then I use the cut summary list from WTP to make the vessel. This is a bit extreme and not for many users.
Much appreciated Mr. Fisher. This helps me a lot.