• I will be unable to do any shipping of hardware products including Stomper Products and Hunter Products between February 16th and March 20th. Any orders placed during that time will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Flash drives will continue to be mailed to US addresses only. I apologize for any inconvenience this will cause.

WTP open segment use


PRO Member
Is there someplace that shows how to add open segments on WTP. I see the panel that asks for the number of degrees in each open segment but how do I apply that to the design?

The video tutorial 'Part 1,tornado Bowl' is a great place to learn all about designing open segment projects. It starts in 3D Design Pro and then takes you through transferring it to Woodturner PRO, adding rings, painting segments, etc.

click the 'software tutorials' category of the forum and you'll find that and all the other tutorials that will show you how to use the software.
