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Open Segment finishing in two halves


PRO Member
I had never worked on an open segment form previously and thought I would try the Tornado Globe as per the tutorial. I cut all the pieces then glued up the first half using the SegEasy plate; piece of cake. Put the first half aside then proceeded with the second half. Laying out the the three wood species on the SegEasy plate the same way I did with the first half. NOT! After having glued up both halves I went to put them together and realized it was just not going to work that way. Note to self: on the second half I must reverse the order of the wood species. If you don't do this, once you remove the second half from the seg easy and try to match it up to the first half the pattern will reverse and it plain and simply doesn't work. My fix was to make another complete set of the same pieces. Using half of these segments for the top end of the original globe and half for the bottom end of the original globe I had two Tornado Globes in hand.
I was so concerned with alignment and gluing I never even noticed this was happening. As a side not the SegEasy Plate and Stomper worked like a charm. Incidentally, I used the Oneway termite to turn the inside and it worked beautifully.
Isn't it neat that "design opportunities" keep popping up? Nice save. Now you can show how you "planned" to have two identical globes all along.
I had never worked on an open segment form previously and thought I would try the Tornado Globe as per the tutorial. I cut all the pieces then glued up the first half using the SegEasy plate; piece of cake. Put the first half aside then proceeded with the second half. Laying out the the three wood species on the SegEasy plate the same way I did with the first half. NOT! After having glued up both halves I went to put them together and realized it was just not going to work that way. Note to self: on the second half I must reverse the order of the wood species. If you don't do this, once you remove the second half from the seg easy and try to match it up to the first half the pattern will reverse and it plain and simply doesn't work. My fix was to make another complete set of the same pieces. Using half of these segments for the top end of the original globe and half for the bottom end of the original globe I had two Tornado Globes in hand.
I was so concerned with alignment and gluing I never even noticed this was happening. As a side not the SegEasy Plate and Stomper worked like a charm. Incidentally, I used the Oneway termite to turn the inside and it worked beautifully.

Robin where did you find the Tornado Globe Tutorial you mentioned above? Looking at all of the Tutorials in Woodturner PRO, I could not identify anything named Tornado Globe. Can you point me in the right direction?

John, the Tornado Bowl project is actually a tutorial and you can find it (and others) in the 'Software Tutorials' category of the forum.

John, the Tornado Bowl project is actually a tutorial and you can find it (and others) in the 'Software Tutorials' category of the forum.


OH! how blind of me - yes now I see Lloyd. Goes to show you how much of the forum I do not read - I'll know better next time.

Thanks, John
Did you find what you needed,John?
[h=1]Tornado Globe Part 1 - Designing the Globe with 3D Design PRO and Woodturner PRO is a you tube video[/h]Robin