Hi everyone. I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is David and I am from Addison, Texas. It's summer and it is HOT. Highs are in the 96's F, 36 C. This week we've had a cold front. Highs are only to be in the low 90's. Last week we were over 100 degrees F. My garage is not A/C'd. So it is either early morning or evenings. But even then there is no break from the heat. I've been turning for about 25 - 30 years with a long reprieve in between. Getting back into this last year. I've been stuck in YouTube land and having a blast learning. I also ran across segmented turning. Now this looks fun! Looking forward to designing, cutting, gluing, sanding and turning new designs. Anyway, sorry for rambling on. Hi Y'all !!