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Summary view issue in SP


In SP, when I have my species picked out, design a bowl, then go back to summary, it lists everything as the same species.
No matter how many different species I use in my bowl, in summary view it always shows just one species.
I am sure it is a simple click here or there, but dang it if I can figure it out.
Hi Alan.
It would be helpful if you could post the json file of your SP project. (Share/Export)

Here are two known actions that can cause the summary sheet not display properly.
- If you painted a design and then changed the number of segments per ring for the bowl the summary sheet can get messed up.
- if you changed the default species in the pallet you are using after you have painted the segments the summary sheet can get messed up.
I have the spacers figured out now.
I am still having issues with the summary showing the same species, even though in Paint, it shows different species.
I have attached a .json file for you to check over.


  • 2024-7-6-8-16-56.json
    58.8 KB · Views: 2
Good morning.
Thanks for posting the file. I also saw the summary sheet was not correct. Not sure what happened. Taking your project. I started new and rebuilt the vessel. The summary sheet came out correct. (See attach). Not knowing exactly how you designed the bowl or when changes were made to the palette, it is difficult to know happened to mess up the summary table.

What I do know through my own experience is it is best to set your pallet with the species you want to use. Set your bowl settings and then paint your segments, but never make changes to the pallet or number of segments once you started painting. It can mess up the summary table.

Hope this helps


  • 2024-7-8-7-38-49.json
    66.4 KB · Views: 1
If you have ever painted species, even if you have switched to a painted segment bowl and then changed the number of segments, all bets are off. If you ever change the number of segments, you have to go to the paint screen if segments have been painted and reset the segments of the
Summary will be wrong with regards to the number of segments of different species.

However, the changes I have made for the next release will make this unnecessary because if you ever change the number of segments, the software is going to reset the segments for you. Problem solved.

When I return from vacation, I plan to finish the upgrade so it can be released. It is a significant upgrade, though,which means that i have to redo ALL of the video tutorials because anytime a video tutorial doesn’t match what the user is seeing on their screen, it results in a support call.

If you have ever painted species, even if you have switched to a painted segment bowl and then changed the number of segments, all bets are off. If you ever change the number of segments, you have to go to the paint screen if segments have been painted and reset the segments of the
Summary will be wrong with regards to the number of segments of different species.

However, the changes I have made for the next release will make this unnecessary because if you ever change the number of segments, the software is going to reset the segments for you. Problem solved.

When I return from vacation, I plan to finish the upgrade so it can be released. It is a significant upgrade, though,which means that i have to redo ALL of the video tutorials because anytime a video tutorial doesn’t match what the user is seeing on their screen, it results in a support call.

I did change the bowl design a few times, unaware of the issues that it would cause. Now I know.
Looking forward to the new update.
Thank you for your help.