• I will be unable to do any shipping of hardware products including Stomper Products and Hunter Products between February 16th and March 20th. Any orders placed during that time will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Flash drives will continue to be mailed to US addresses only. I apologize for any inconvenience this will cause.

Unable to install on my shop laptop

Gord Rock

PRO Member
I have tried to install Woodturner Pro on my laptop in my shop but it won't accept the password. I noticed that the last letter in the password is lower case and when I try to paste - or type - it into the password box it is always upper case and I can't find a way to change that. Also, I believe I read somewhere that we can install it on more than one computer as long as it is in our own home. Am I correct in that?
Thanks for any help!
Yep. You can install Lloyd's software on all the PC's you own.

By password do you mean the software key? If so, mine seem to be all capital letters and numbers.

If you log into WTP Forums,
Click on your name in the upper right corner of the top banner.
That will bring up a pop up window. Select account details
In the Account detail window, select and click Preferences.
scroll down and you should see "authorizations codes." for your software.
You can verify and copy/paste the key code from there.

If the problem still exists you will most likely need to send Lloyd an email or call.
GOT IT! Must have been gremlins that added that lowercase letter to the end. After checking the original email, I found that it did not belong there. OK, fine, it’s my fault! LOL!
GOT IT! Must have been gremlins that added that lowercase letter to the end. After checking the original email, I found that it did not belong there. OK, fine, it’s my fault! LOL!

Glad it worked out.
I tell some members in the woodclub that the pc can sense fear. That is what causes most of their issues with the computer. :D