Nice looking shop Mike. Everything you could possibly want or use. Do you book lathe time or for different tools?My main shop is a club shop in a retirement community (Sun City West, AZ). A great facility.
Title: Sun City West Woodshop – Woodworking for life
-The only machine that has a sign up is the CNC router. Everything else is pretty much first come. There are times when it is a bit of a wait for the lathes. Get there in the morning and it is not a problemNice looking shop Mike. Everything you could possibly want or use. Do you book lathe time or for different tools?
Now this will totally solve your problem..
I was having the same problem especially with 1/8" thick dividers actually seqs for between larger segs any way I got a new blade from my blade sharpening guy and it's a triple tooth with a negative rake cut on the teeth. this makes all the difference the wing speed is decreased and that litle back edge on the bottom of the tooth being got due to the neg rake means no more annoying catches that chuck those little buggers backI have had a few "kick back". My guess is that a tooth is catching the segment at the end of the cut. Also the air movement created by the saw blade tends to push small segments.Larger pieces seem to be heavy enough to fall away down the zero clearance ramp. Smaller pieces are lite enough to not break away till the last bit is cut.
- For me slowing my cut speed (how fast I am pushing the sled) seems to help some
- Using a good sharp blade helps
- I have made a zero clearance ramp that provides a bit more support to the cut piece seems to help. The ramp is not the 45 degree angle. The top of the zero clearance is also the same height as the cut sled. Your photo seems to show your zero clearance to be lower.
Even with all this, I still get a piece that sometimes fly's off.