• I will be unable to do any shipping of hardware products including Stomper Products and Hunter Products between February 16th and March 20th. Any orders placed during that time will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Flash drives will continue to be mailed to US addresses only. I apologize for any inconvenience this will cause.

Printed documentation for Visualizing Feature Ring After Turning tutorial

Lloyd Johnson

Staff member
My good friend Malcolm Farrant has created printed instructions for the SketchUp Tutorial: Visualizing Feature Ring After Turning tutorial.

SketchUp can be pretty tricky and it might be helpful for you to have printed documentation to fill in blanks as you follow the tutorial.

To go to the tutorial, CLICK HERE.

Thanks Malcolm!


  • Instructions for Visualizing a Feaure ring after turning.pdf
    80.7 KB · Views: 216