• Are you looking for a coupon code to buy my software? You can get one from lots of 3rd party sites but they won't work. My software never goes on sale and has never been discounted. The only coupon codes that are given is when I give a club presentation and I offer a discount to the attendees. Other than that, everyone pays the same price.

Media added by Jeff Miller

Media comments

  • 20241122_133710.jpg
    Thanks Lloyd, your software makes it enjoyable to do these projects. it takes all the mathmatics out and just leaves the fun design aspect. I'm a retired machinist that had my own shop and have worked with 3D modleing cad/cam systems. your softwear is is so easy to use. Thanks for making it.
  • 20241122_133710.jpg
    Nice job, Martin. You’re getting good at this.
    Thanks for posting.
  • 20241110_132950.jpg
    You’re doing it right to do it as an open segment vessel. When I teach workshops, we cover all segmenting topics but we build an open segment vessel. Twelve people will all go home on the 2nd day with a completed vessel. If they were closed segments, none of them would take home a completed vessel.
  • 20241110_132950.jpg
    yes it's great to use your software. i have a few more to make with christmas comming up.
  • 20241110_132950.jpg
    It’s a clever design, Martin. I’m guessing you had a fun time making it!

    Thanks for posting!


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