I'm working on this Frequently Asked Questions document and will be updating it throughout the day. Please check back.
Key questions about Segment PRO:
Screen Resolution: The desired screen resolution is 1920 x 1080 (also referred to as 1080p). If your computer/monitor has less than this (many older laptops have 768), a vertical scrollbar will allow you to scroll the GUI.
Windows Version Supported: Segment PRO will run on any Windows 11, 10 and 7.
Support for Apple products: Segment PRO has no ability to run on a mobile device. As in the past, any PC software can run on a Mac Computer under two scenarios - a Virtual Machine software application like Parallels (Title: {title]) or the free utility from Apple named 'Bootcamp'. Parallels lets you run Windows software in a window at the same time you are running Apple software in other windows. Bootcamp creates a physical boot partition where you install Windows and Windows software. With Bootcamp, you boot to either the Windows partition or the Mac partition. Both of these solutions are used extensively and are excellent solutions.
Will Segment PRO ever be available as a native Mac application? Segment PRO was written in a way that it is possible to one day migrate it to a Native Mac application. However, the graphic and control libraries are not currently available and until they are, more than 50% of the code would have to be re-written and the cost and the lack of programming resources renders this impossible at this time. If you are reluctant to install Windows on your Mac, you should consider looking at eBay or Craigslist for a used computer that has Windows 7 as a minimum version. It is also notable that new Windows desktop and laptop computers are available in minimum configurations at very reasonable prices.
Can Segment PRO be used to create any segmented vessel? As a rapid development tool, Segment PRO was designed to minimize the time it takes to develop a segmented vessel using a Graphical User Interface (GUI) designed for simplicity. Once designed, it is possible to make extensive customization within limitations. The target of Segment PRO is to be able to design 95% of the vessels that are made on a daily basis. Above 95% means that additional complexity to the GUI is require and the software will no longer fit the major objective of Ease of Use. For vessel designs above the 95%, it is recommended that you use Woodturner PRO which allows you to create virtually any segmented vessel. Some of the capabilities not supported by Segment PRO are staves, compound segments, wheel configurations and designs where each row or alternate rows require customized settings.
Can I transfer files to and from Woodturner PRO? There are virtually no similarities between Woodturner PRO and Segment PRO. Although they both create segmented vessels, there is no commonality in the methodology used or structure in which files are saved. When you decide to create a vessel, it should be easy to know if it can be done in Segment PRO or requires Woodturner PRO. You should select the correct software tool to match the design requirements of that bowl and use the appropriate application.
How are wood species defined and added to Segment PRO? Wood species are simply small graphic files (.jpg, .png, .bmp, etc.) that are saved to a folder. The folder is installed at Document > My Segment PRO > Species (will be implemented in a couple days) and all that is required is to copy an image file to that folder with a unique file name and the species is automatically available for use. Please view the video tutorial named 'Adding Species to Segment PRO' (available shortly) which discusses options that you might find useful.
Key questions about Segment PRO:
- What is the price of Segment PRO
- What will be the version of the first upload of Segment PRO?
- What version of Windows are supported?
- Is Segment PRO supported on Apple products?
- What are the screen resolution requirements?
- Can Segment PRO be used to create any segmented vessel?
- Can I transfer files between Woodturner PRO and Segment PRO?
- How are wood species defined and added in Segment PRO?
Screen Resolution: The desired screen resolution is 1920 x 1080 (also referred to as 1080p). If your computer/monitor has less than this (many older laptops have 768), a vertical scrollbar will allow you to scroll the GUI.
Windows Version Supported: Segment PRO will run on any Windows 11, 10 and 7.
Support for Apple products: Segment PRO has no ability to run on a mobile device. As in the past, any PC software can run on a Mac Computer under two scenarios - a Virtual Machine software application like Parallels (Title: {title]) or the free utility from Apple named 'Bootcamp'. Parallels lets you run Windows software in a window at the same time you are running Apple software in other windows. Bootcamp creates a physical boot partition where you install Windows and Windows software. With Bootcamp, you boot to either the Windows partition or the Mac partition. Both of these solutions are used extensively and are excellent solutions.
Will Segment PRO ever be available as a native Mac application? Segment PRO was written in a way that it is possible to one day migrate it to a Native Mac application. However, the graphic and control libraries are not currently available and until they are, more than 50% of the code would have to be re-written and the cost and the lack of programming resources renders this impossible at this time. If you are reluctant to install Windows on your Mac, you should consider looking at eBay or Craigslist for a used computer that has Windows 7 as a minimum version. It is also notable that new Windows desktop and laptop computers are available in minimum configurations at very reasonable prices.
Can Segment PRO be used to create any segmented vessel? As a rapid development tool, Segment PRO was designed to minimize the time it takes to develop a segmented vessel using a Graphical User Interface (GUI) designed for simplicity. Once designed, it is possible to make extensive customization within limitations. The target of Segment PRO is to be able to design 95% of the vessels that are made on a daily basis. Above 95% means that additional complexity to the GUI is require and the software will no longer fit the major objective of Ease of Use. For vessel designs above the 95%, it is recommended that you use Woodturner PRO which allows you to create virtually any segmented vessel. Some of the capabilities not supported by Segment PRO are staves, compound segments, wheel configurations and designs where each row or alternate rows require customized settings.
Can I transfer files to and from Woodturner PRO? There are virtually no similarities between Woodturner PRO and Segment PRO. Although they both create segmented vessels, there is no commonality in the methodology used or structure in which files are saved. When you decide to create a vessel, it should be easy to know if it can be done in Segment PRO or requires Woodturner PRO. You should select the correct software tool to match the design requirements of that bowl and use the appropriate application.
How are wood species defined and added to Segment PRO? Wood species are simply small graphic files (.jpg, .png, .bmp, etc.) that are saved to a folder. The folder is installed at Document > My Segment PRO > Species (will be implemented in a couple days) and all that is required is to copy an image file to that folder with a unique file name and the species is automatically available for use. Please view the video tutorial named 'Adding Species to Segment PRO' (available shortly) which discusses options that you might find useful.
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