No I waiting just like everyone else. It'll be here this week just have to wait
But with as many people pre-ordering the new software I am sure Lloyd is working overtime to get it to us.
No I waiting just like everyone else. It'll be here this week just have to wait
Thats one huge round nose scraper. I suspect your making your own handles?I did pickup some toys in Boston though
View attachment 1657
Along with ordering some open segment plates from Lloyd
I think I would like a more complex design that has a big WOW factor.I can go thru my notes and post them if that woulds help??
there are some gems there
Not yet, I still want to sand it back quite a bit so as to help fill the pores in the padauk.Is the bowl now complete?
It's a bit of a long story Stuart. Here in Canada it's near impossible to get this glue. The rep from Franklin sent it to me courtesy of Bob speaking to the rep in Boston.Let us know how you like it.