• Are you looking for a coupon code to buy my software? You can get one from lots of 3rd party sites but they won't work. My software never goes on sale and has never been discounted. The only coupon codes that are given is when I give a club presentation and I offer a discount to the attendees. Other than that, everyone pays the same price.

Importing photos


PRO Member
Can you import a photo and then set it up and then start to put in the rows the way you want. I got a photo transferred but can not figure out how to start drawing the rows
can this be done
You can import a photo into 3D Design Pro by going Tools > Background Photo > Add and then drag it to the left so that the center of the vessel in the picture is on the left edge of the 2D window. You then create your wall profile and finally, transfer it to Woodturner PRO where you add your rows by clicking the New Row button or clicking the Insert (Ins) key.
