• I will be unable to do any shipping of hardware products including Stomper Products and Hunter Products between February 16th and March 20th. Any orders placed during that time will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Flash drives will continue to be mailed to US addresses only. I apologize for any inconvenience this will cause.


  1. IMG_4469.JPEG


    Latest segmented pieces I have made. These were patterned after Tom Lohmans Interweave Bowl. The tall one has 1/4" rings, mid size bow has 1/8" rings, and short bowl has 1/16" rings. Approx 10.5" diameter. Species of woods is Walnut, Maple, Yellow Heart, Cherry, Lyptus, and Heat Treated Ash.
  2. IMG_4465.JPEG


    Latest segmented pieces I have made. These were patterned after Tom Lohmans Interweave Bowl. The tall one has 1/4" rings, mid size bow has 1/8" rings, and short bowl has 1/16" rings. Approx 10.5" diameter. Species of woods is Walnut, Maple, Yellow Heart, Cherry, Lyptus, and Heat Treated Ash.
  3. IMG_4460.JPEG


    Latest segmented pieces I have made. These were patterned after Tom Lohmans Interweave Bowl. The tall one has 1/4" rings, mid size bow has 1/8" rings, and short bowl has 1/16" rings. Approx 10.5" diameter. Species of woods is Walnut, Maple, Yellow Heart, Cherry, Lyptus, and Heat Treated Ash.
  4. Charles Broadbent

    Greek Key feature ring

    I wanted to build a distinctive feature ring and and took it as a challenge to construct maple greek key design (continuous line) against a dark chechem background. The bowl is about 12" across and about 6" high. The combination of chechem and maple created some challenges, as the chechem is...
  5. Dizzy Vase

    Dizzy Vase

    I've seen some Dizzy Bowls and wanted to apply the technique to a vase. I also used a glass tube in the vase so that it would be a usable project.
  6. "Eagle Bowl, my attempt"

    "Eagle Bowl, my attempt"

    An amazing journey in learning. Thanks to Lloyd for all his help and suggestions.
  7. Glenn McCarron

    My Eagle Bowl attempt

    After a number of emails back and forth with Lloyd I have decided to try to reproduce his amazing Eagle Bowl. I have spent many sessions trying to figure out the actions to produce the eagle and I think I have finally wrapped my head around it. I want to make mine about 10 inches in diameter and...
  8. Fourth of July Bowl

    Fourth of July Bowl

    My second segmented bowl. This is ash and spectra ply.
  9. Nut Bowl

    Nut Bowl

    Nut Bowl turned from Karaka wood 300 mm dia x 35 mm high
  10. Rimu Chip And Dip Bowl

    Rimu Chip And Dip Bowl

    Rimu potato chip and dip bowl with ceramic insert 320 mm in diameter x 75 mm high.
  11. Totara Bowl

    Totara Bowl

    Totara bowl finished off with Teak oil 150 mm in diameter x 150 mm high.
  12. Segmented Fruit Bowl

    Segmented Fruit Bowl

    Segmented fruit bowl turned from Red Oak and Fijian Kauri 260 mm diameter x 90 mm high
  13. Staved 3D bowl

    Staved 3D bowl

    The bowl has 8 staves made from White Pear and has a diameter of 245 mm and a height of 95 mm. The vertical spacers are made of Bubinga and so is the upper rim. The bottom is made of Bubinga, Imbuia and Beech 'diamonds' that were held together with small rubber bands before being glued together...
  14. 3 D Bowl

    3 D Bowl

    3 D Segmented bowl 200 mm in diameter x 90 mm high
  15. Fruit Bowl

    Fruit Bowl

    Segmented fruit bowl turned from Kahikatea and Fijian Kauri 280 mm diameter x 90 mm high..
  16. Segmented Bowl

    Segmented Bowl

    This bowl is made from of African White Pear and the Southwest (SW) inserts are made of Bubinga, Beech and Imbuia. The frame demarcating the SW inserts is 2 mm thick American Walnut. The dimensions are: Height = 140 mm and Width = 208 mm.
  17. Segmented Bowl

    Segmented Bowl

    Segmented bowl made from Walnut, Cherry, and Maple. 48 Segments per row x 22 rows - 1056 segments. Each row is 0.25" high. Bowl is 6.5' high x 7" diameter.
  18. Segmented Bowl

    Segmented Bowl

    Bowl is one of a set of three identical bowls. Segmented Bowl made from Walnut, Cherry and Bloodwood. 48 segments per row x 23 rows - each row is 0.25" high. 1100 pieces total. Bowl is 6" high x 6.5" diameter.
  19. Tangential Bowl with lid

    Tangential Bowl with lid

    The tangential bowl was made according to the method of Robert Craig (American Woodturner Magazine, August 2014) but 20 segments were cut conventionally on the table saw with the blade angled at 9 degrees. The wood is a light Imbuia and the white and dark inserts are veneer. The dark lid and...
  20. Oval Bowl

    Oval Bowl

    This oval bowl was made according to the method described in the book of Malcolm Tibbetts except that the legs were turned and installed afterwards. The light wood is African White Pear and the dark wood is Imbuia. The dimensions are: Length = 290 mm, Width = 195 mm, Height = 95 mm.